5 Essential Facts About Eyebrow Embroidery

Most of us understand how significant brows are; they not only frame your face but also influence how the rest of your facial features seem. Perfectly maintained brows may even make you appear younger, giving you a facelift virtually instantly.

For those of us who over-plucked our brows when thin brows were popular or were just born with sparse brows, there is a technique that promises fuller, bolder brows: eyebrow embroidery.

Don’t get too enthusiastic and schedule an appointment at any brow salon just yet: there are some key things to remember before you go for your eyebrow embroidery so that you don’t leave the salon with regrets. Before committing to brow embroidery, read on to learn everything you should know.

Eyebrow embroidery is technically a tattoo.

It is technically a tattooing in which the brow technician inserts pigment under the skin’s surface using tiny disposable needles in a pattern that resembles hair strokes. Consider adding extra strands of brow hand to produce fuller-looking brows and to shape and extend brows for the correct ratio.

While the long-term results appear promising, you risk having awful brows for two years if your brow specialist performs a poor embroidery job!

Nearly everyone can perform brow embroidery.

You are a good candidate for eyebrow embroidery if you have sensitive skin that is easily irritated or oily skin that is prone to breakouts and pimples.

Some individuals wrongly assume that this treatment is just for those with sparse or thin brows, which is also incorrect! However, if you have comparatively thicker brows but want a better shape or length so that you can spend less time drawing them every morning, eyebrow embroidery is also an option.

However, anyone on Accutane or any blood-thinning drugs, as well as anyone pregnant or breastfeeding, should avoid having this brow treatment done.

You don’t need to shave your current brows.

Is it necessary to shave my brows before conducting eyebrow embroidery? This is a popular question for brow professionals.

Thankfully, the answer is no: although this would undoubtedly be the case for a standard body tattoo, eyebrow embroidery professionals would aim to maintain and include as much of the natural brow hair as possible.

Most brow specialists will only remove hairs that fall outside of their final form if required, so you won’t have to go without actual brows for long.

The entire procedure might take hours.

The full consultation, including all prep work, takes approximately two to three hours on average. Still, the actual eyebrow embroidery procedure can take 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the type of brows you already have and wish to attain. For example, the process will undoubtedly take some time if you have extremely thin brows and want to grow more fuller-looking ones.

The first step is usually the most time-consuming: settling on a brow shape. You can spend less time on this phase if you bring a few references and know what you want.

Your brows will appear black at first and may fade unevenly.

Because the ink is still fresh, your brows will seem black immediately after the stitching is completed. However, your brows should fade to a more natural colour as your scabs heal and a new layer of skin grows out.

However, don’t be concerned if the colour appears uneven; this is due to uneven healing of your skin, which is totally natural.