Know What Things To Include In Your Last Day Working Email

As you prepare to leave your job, sending a well-crafted last working day email is crucial. This email not only serves as a farewell but also reinforces your professional relationships and leaves a lasting impression. Here are key elements to include in your last working day email to ensure it resonates positively with your colleagues and superiors.

1. A Warm Greeting

Start your last working day email with a friendly greeting. Use the recipient’s name and a positive tone to set the mood. A warm greeting fosters goodwill and establishes an inviting atmosphere right from the beginning. For example, you might say, “Dear Team,” or “Hello Everyone,” depending on your company culture.

2. Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is one of the most important components of your last working day email. Take the time to thank your colleagues and supervisors for their support and collaboration during your tenure. Mention specific experiences or projects that were particularly meaningful to you. For instance, you could write, “I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such talented individuals. The support I received during the XYZ project made a significant impact on my career.”

3. Share Your Next Steps

While it’s not necessary to go into great detail about your next job or career path, providing a brief update can help your colleagues stay informed. This transparency fosters continued connections and makes it easier for colleagues to reach out in the future. You might say, “I am excited to share that I will be joining [Company Name] as a [Position] starting next month.”

4. Offer Your Contact Information

In your last working day email, include your personal email address or LinkedIn profile link. This enables colleagues to stay in touch, fostering ongoing professional relationships. Make it clear that you value maintaining connections: “Please feel free to reach out to me at [Your Email] or connect with me on LinkedIn at [LinkedIn Profile URL]. I would love to keep in touch.”

5. Highlight Fond Memories

Sharing fond memories or anecdotes can make your email more personal and memorable. Reflect on the enjoyable moments you experienced with your team. For instance, “I will always cherish our team outings and brainstorming sessions that brought us closer together.” These memories reinforce the bonds formed during your time at the company.

6. Wish Your Team Well

End your last working day email on a positive note by wishing your colleagues well. Whether it’s success in their current projects or happiness in their personal lives, expressing your good wishes leaves a warm impression. You could write, “I wish you all continued success in your careers and hope to hear about your accomplishments in the future!”

7. Maintain Professionalism

Even as you convey your personal feelings, it’s essential to maintain professionalism throughout your last working day email. Avoid sharing negative experiences or grievances about the company or individuals. Keeping the tone positive and professional reflects well on your character and leaves a lasting positive impression.

8. Use a Clear Subject Line

A clear and concise subject line ensures that your email gets the attention it deserves. Something simple like “Farewell and Thank You” or “My Last Working Day” will suffice. A straightforward subject line prepares the recipient for the content of your message.


Your last working day email is an opportunity to leave a positive impression as you transition to the next phase of your career. By including these essential elements, you can ensure that your farewell resonates with your colleagues and reflects the professionalism you upheld during your time with the company. Remember, a well-written last working day email not only serves as a goodbye but also as a bridge to future opportunities and connections.